Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Day 14 Campina to Izvoarele

Today the plan was to cycle to Brasov but we had a bit of an unplaned adventure instead.

Today 45km. Total 968 km.

They have a very distinct style of hay stack in this region.

Water well for live stock.

Potters Pantry Romanian style.

... and we chose...

It was all going so well. Then the road turned to a track!

It wasn't far to the next road so we decided to press on. What didn't antipate was the mud! It took two hours to cover 2km.

Even with mudguards removed it was tough going.

Monday, 29 June 2015

Day 13. Targoviste to Campina

Short amble to Campina. At last starting to leave the flat farmland area.
Today 57. Total 923

On route just stopped for a break and we were approached by a Romanian man who took us back to his cafe brought us coffee, water and sandwiches for later. He also gave us his recommendations regarding the route.

Stopped for a break at this church.

Tomorrow we cross the Transylvanian mountains.

Lake near the centre of Campina.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Day 12 Potlogi to Targoviste

Our ride to Targoviste was a bit longer than we had planned as we decided to abandon a busy A road. We got a bit lost and encountered the peskie gravel track roads again.

 Stopped at a shop and the lovely shop keeper showed lots of interest in our route dispite the language difficulties and gave us bread tomatoes and cucumber.

Arrived in Targoviste which is very industrial and by which time it was raining. The centre of Targoviste is very affluent and has long history. The rain cleared and we able to be tourists.

Today 73 km.  Total  866 km.

Virtually every village has at least one roadside chapel.

The cathedral.

City Hall

Chindia Tower built in the 15th century.

Note re roads in Romania.

We had a struggle today! We started on white roads shown on the 1:500k map of the whole country. These were fine this morning - fairly quiet, decent surface. But then we joined a yellow #71; this was quite scary, being a bit narrow, but having fast traffic. So we turned back and got the map out.
More white roads showed an alternative, a bit longer, but fine for our short day.
Alas the tarmac ran out; the "road" became an earth/stony track, that we followed for miles, very tedious and hard on the bikes. Eventually tarmac returned, but more earth followed! And these are "roads" shown on 1:500k.....
And later the surfaced road was rough, being old concrete.
Of course we got through in the end, but with difficulty.

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Day 11 Alexandria to Potlogi

A fairly easy day though one of our longer rides at 97 km.  The day had some surprises.  We were cycling across flat agricultural roads but encountered numerous oil donkey pumps. More challenging was when the tarmaced road just turned into a farm track that lasted for 15 km. Having arrived at Potogi we found the hotel but it was all locked up. A passing Romanian encouraged us to try again and this time someone unlocked it.

Today 97 km. Total 793 km.

A Romanian breakfast.

Oil donkey plump.

There were vehicles that had transported bee hives around to ensure that the crops were pollinated.

Romania has stork nests also.

The road turned into a farm track.

Day 10 Pict

Leaving  Bulgaria on the Ferry. There was 1 car and two bikes.

Romania across the Danube.
The road to Alexandria went on and on.
Amongst the many things we encountered was this stunning church.

Friday, 26 June 2015

Day 10 Shivtov to Alexandria
The chief blogger Steve is poorly with gut rot so the boy is doing the day's news today.
The hotel breakfast was great but only one partook. Steve went back to bed but by noon bravely set forth awheel. We got the 1pm ferry across the huge river Danube to Romania.
The road north was dead straight for say 20km through flattish open farmland. We stopped for coffee at a ?gypsy town with very odd blokes outside the cafe and car breakers up the road. The next village had a lovely church. Reached Alexandria, quite big, found the (only?) hotel and booked in just as rain lashed down - lucky!!
Did 46 km or so. Steve asleep so maybe one for dinner? - hope not.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Day 9. Veliko Tarnovo to Svishtov

What we thought would an easy day was a bit harder than expected with a series of longish hills.

Today 82km. Total 648 km

Rob has been taking lots of pictures on his camera but we are struggling to get them transferred to the blog. So l have taken a few pictures on my phone.

This is the view from our balcony in Veliko Tarnovo.

The route today was through large scale farming country. This field of sun flowers was massive.

Most of today's route was over quite roads in good condition but one section of about 10 km was not so good.

Most days we stop at village for coffee. All have a square and most are in state of dilapidation.

We have seen the remnants of several storks nest but today the nest was occupied. Alas not a good picture.

Today we reached the Danube river. Tomorrow we cross by
ferry into Romania.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Day 8 Elena to Veliko Tarnovo

Just a short undulating ride today to Veliko Tarnovo where we have been good tourists and been to see the castle.

Still a bit go.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Day 7. Sliven to Elena

See Rob's post for details.

Brilliant day of cycling with two long ( 10 km ) assents and associated decents. Good roads, no traffic, gentel breeze and great scenery.

Today 80 km. Total 523 km.

Good route Sliven to Elena, via Vratnik col.
I was a bit worried re this stage, but it actually is great but hard work.
Follow the #53 road north from Sliven (poorly signed, follow the river). It quickly enters big hills via a pretty wooded valley. And we found good smooth surfaces, reasonable graded and almost no traffic. There is a weight limit so no juggernauts.
But it does go on! Allow 4 hrs if loaded up, as there is one ridge top, a fairly big drop, then the 2nd climb to Vratnik at 1097m. Total ascent so far 1050m?
Springs for refreshment. No cafe.
The descent is steep and long; surface not so good north of col.
At Stara reka there is a shop, no cafe.
On pleasantly through rural villages, some up and down, surface improves.
Finally into Elena town which has a hotel etc. We measured 78 km, total ascent c. 1300 m, 8 hours Inc. stops.

Monday, 22 June 2015

Day 6 Sredets to Sliven

Though today's ride was our longest so far it was comparatively easy. Having escaped the cobled roads of Sredets the first two thirds of the ride across gentel hills on quiet roads was ideal. The last third into Sliven was some what busier plus it was into a head wind.

Today 84 km   Total 443 km.

It's really tough on tour.

Dear blog readers- we are now in a city Sliven, which I like a lot. There is a spacious pedestrian zone with many fine buildings lining it. Also of note is the European Tree of the Year 2014, a magnificent large elm that was used to hang revolutionaries in years gone by. Also a fine statue of some local who has the longest moustaches this side of the Black Sea.
We dined well and partook modestly of liquid refreshment.
Tomorrow there is a long climb up to col Vratnik 1097 m high so wish us luck with that,........

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Day 5. Malko Tarnovo to Sredets

This was a very different day as we took to the back roads of Bulgaria. It safe to say that the roads in Bulgaria are at times much worse than the UK. The ride to was through very remote woodland. We cycled for over two hours with out encountering any motor vehicles or any body. Towards the end of the ride we got caught in a massive thunderstorm so got rather wet.

Today 84 Km. Total 348

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Day 4 Kirlareli to Malko Tarnovo

Excellent ride today short but with long hills. The road to Bulgaria was a new dual carriageway but there was no traffic! We assume that this was because we were cycling on a Saturday.

So a hard days cycling but it wasn't too hot. Fortunately the only hotel in Malko Tarnovo had one room available.

So goodbye to Turkey.

Today 50 km  Total 264

Friday, 19 June 2015

Day 3 Saray to Kirklareli

Pleased to report an uneventful day. Rob was a bit slugish for the first hour but a stop for coffee and biscuits sorted that out and added 4 km/ hour to our progress. Roads today good and not too busy.

A less hilly day mainly traveling through farming areas.

Today 78 km    Total so far 214 km.

Tomorrow head into Bulgaria.
People like tech derails re bikes so here you are:
Bikes are a 16 year old Dawes Galaxy (steel of course) and a Mercian from 1979 (do.).
Drop bars, 700C, triple ring, usual road touring spec.
Ortlieb panniers (4) & a bar bag etc.
Camping kit carried whole way even tho using cheap hotels half the way. 21 kg or so on each bike plus rider!
Marathon tyres. Steve has a Shimano hub dynamo to charge his phone using a DC/AC converter.
Maps - one for each country so little detail plus Bikeline guides for the Elbe and Danube sect. 3.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Not much to add today but must thank Steve for doing most of the work against the huge head wind!!
Enjoy the pix now we have worked out how to do them.

Day 2 Subasi to Saray

Woke up this morning to rain so hung around in the hotel until it stopped. We then were doing quite well until it stared pelting down with rain.  We took refuge in concrete bus shelter for an hour and a half. Though the wind persisted we made to it to Saray without getting wet!

Today 61 km, total so far 136.

Some photos

Rob and Steve  getting off the ferry at Kadikoy on Asian
side of Turkey.

Rob at start: Sariyer

    Steve at start

Steve in Blue Mosque.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

As usual Steve has ably descrıbed the day's events.I shall gıve some colour:

Good poınts: Brıllıant cruıse up the Bosphoros. Characterful truckers dıner whıch reeked of dıesel but good food. Some great cyclıng.

Bad: Fallıng off BIGTIME whıch bust my helmet (better than my head), tore shırt & gloves, and gave me some ımpressıve grazes & bruıses. But no broken bıts so could have been worse. My own stupıd fault!!

So Day 1 done.............
To start our trıp we fırst took a ferry to Sarıyer to avoıd cyclıng ın the Istanbul traffıc. We then cycled through the Ormanlan Natıonal park through to Goturk. We then had cunıng plan to avoıd the dual carrageway by followıng to old road. Thıs was all well and good except that there were numerıous lorrıes goıng to the local quarry.  There was an upsıde we had lunch at the truckers cafe all for 3.75 each.

We then had no choıce than to follow the maın dual carrıage way road whıch agaın for a whıle had loads lorrıes. Thıs then ımproved untıl Rob crashed after clıppıng a bollard wıth hıs rear panıer. Pleased to report only mınor damage to the bıke but Rob ıs sore and bruısed.

We eventually reached our destınatıon Subası and we are stoppıng at the Kleopatra hotel.

Mıles: 75k Clımbed 3123 ft.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Steve has done the news but not mentioned his very smart blue skirt he had to wear in the blue mosque!
Tonight we are determined to find some BEER and the hotel has told us a suitable dive. Hurrah!!
Today a whistle stop tour of Istanbul: Sultahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque); Basilica Cistern; Haghia Sophia; Grand Bazar; Galata Bridge; Sirkeci Train Station (once the terminus for the  Orient Express. (Topkali Place closed on a Tuesday).

Tomorrow the cycling begins.

Monday, 15 June 2015

Arrived in Istanbul

Well we have arrived in Istanbul all intact including the bikes.
Stopping in the Asian side of Turkey, Kadikoy.

Met José a cyclist, on the ferry, who bought us tea and gave us a heads up on how to reach our hotel.