Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Welcome to Hungary
This seems to be a very civilised place for cycling.
There are cycle lanes and polite drivers ( in Romania they just blow the horn and accelerate). In fact a local policeman ticked us off for not using the 'bicycle road' in a town. And its flat.
We took a good route from Salonta, over the border, then Sarkad, Bekes to Mezobereny. Here I made a bad route choice, taking a small road West for Szarvas - do not do this, as it is a farm road and only two thirds tarmac, lots of stony stuff. Perhaps go via Gyomaendrad??

1 comment:

  1. Your route looks like broken tarmac when looked at on Google Streetview, and the route you suggest looks quite busy, with lots of cars in the pictures. The second section after Gyomaendrőd seems busier. So maybe you had a bumpy but quiet day?
